Game Rules


Updated: 2017-02-28 23:55

Your trainer affects the outcome of each player's training. The better your trainer is, the more successful the training will be for each player..

A trainer has seven (7) attributes with values of each attribute ranging between 0 and 100.

Trainers attributes

  • Leadership
  • Attack
  • Defense
  • Powerplay
  • Boxplay
  • Goalkeeping
  • Physique

These attributes control the training of your players.


You have the option of training your trainer every week. You can choose to train your trainer in one or two different attributes. You can let your trainer rest by choosing "None" in the drop down list for either "Education 1:" and/or "Education 2".

The cost to educate or train your trainer is 100 000 LHD for one attribute and 250 000 LHD for two attributes per week.

The attributes of your trainer increase by two (2) steps each week for every attribute you train. Your trainer(s) education him/themselves thoughout the week and is visible after each economy update on Sunday. The training selected on your trainer at the time of update is what he will "train" on.


Motivation refers to how dedicated and committed your trainer is with regards to the club. Motivation cannot be "trained" for improvement. Motivation will slowly decrease the longer your trainer is with your club. Motivation is affected by your teams performance during the season and is updated during between season updates.

Motivation affects a trainers influence in the players training as well as coaching during matches.

Levels of Motivation

  • Superb
  • High
  • Normal
  • Low
  • None


All staff retire at age 66.
A trainer can thus be a coach when he is 65 years old. At the end of the season when he is 65 years old, all his attributes will be changed to 0 (zero) if you do not swap him out before hand. You have the option of replacing your trainer at any time.
Assistant trainer and scout are not automatically replaced. You as a manager must make your own arrangements to replace them for the regular cost. The doctor is automatically replaced.

Trainer types

A trainer can be one of 3 types. Offensive, normal or Defensive. These types are an option you choose when hiring your trainer and reflect during matches. An offensive trainer focuses more on attack or goal scoring, whereas a defensive coach will lean more towards defense. Normal is a blend of both.

When you hire your coach or trainer, he will have extra attributes depending on which trainer type you choose. Below you will see how the attributes are distributed.

Skill Value Le At De PP BP GK Ph
Offensive 0 2 -2 2 -2 0 0
Normal 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Defensive 0 -2 2 -2 2 2 0

Firing a trainer

If you are not satisfied with your trainer you can fire him. You do this by clicking on the "Hire/Fire staff" button on the top-right of the page. When you click on Hire/Fire staff you will be walked through a guide of four steps where you, amongst other things, select how much money you wish to invest in your new trainer.

You can, at any time, cancel the firing of your trainer. Once you click "confirm" in step four, your old coach/trainer is fired and your new coach/trainer is hired immediately. You cannot "undo" this step.

To promote your assistant coach to head coach follow these steps:

1. Click on the "Staff" under "My Team" in the left menu
2. Click on the button "Hire/fire staff"
3. Choose "Hire" and "Advance to Step 2"
4. Choose Alternative 1 "Hire a trainer"
5. Choose Alternative 2 "Make my assistant coach my main coach"
6. Confirm the change of coaches

Your old head trainer is automatically fired and replaced by your assistant trainer.

A trainers age at time of hiring is randomly chosen between ages 45 to 55.

The below table displays the cost of hiring a new coach in relationship to his attributes.

LHD in millions Le At De PP BP FK Ph
1 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
5 28 28 28 28 28 28 28
10 32 32 32 32 32 32 32
20 38 38 38 38 38 38 38


Trainer and assistant trainer/coach attributes can be improved with training or education. You may train a maximum of two (2) attributes per week per coach/trainer. Attribute value can never decrease.


A coach without leadership doesn't get much done. A coach with high leadership knowledge gets more out of his players both during matches and training.


A coach that has higher values in attack is able to train his players easier in this attribute, therefore progessing faster. In the game this attribute is influenced by tactical setup.


A coach that has higher values in defense is able to train his players easier in this attribute, therefore progessing faster. In the game this attribute is influenced by tactical setup.


Player attributes required for Power Play are trained up more easily with this attribute. This attribute comes into play in games and is visible in how well a player reacts to the tactical setup.


Player attributes required for Boxplay are trained up more easily with this attribute. This attribute comes into play in games and is visible in how well a player reacts to the tactical setup.


This attribute makes goalies train faster on their own attributes.


By Physique (Ph) we mean condition of the players. A trainer who is proficient at Physique helps his players train up their fitness, as well as Form to some extent.

Assistant Trainer

You have the option of having one (1) assistant coach/trainer in your club. You can choose to hire a brand new assistant or hire one of your retiring players to this position. An assistant trainer has very little impact on training at this point, and no influence on the match. An assistant trainer is being groomed to be a Head Coach/trainer.

Recruiting a new assistant trainer is carried out the same was as the head coach/trainer. The cost to train and his attributes follow the same curve as mentioned under trainer.

To recruit one of your own players to assistant trainer must follow certain rules..

  • The player must be at least 30 years old
  • The player must have a routine of at least 50
  • The player must have been a member of your club for at least 100 calendar days

NOTE that the player must have been 100 calendar days in your club now. If the player has been previously sold and brought back into your club, all previous employment with your club is null and void and his days start to count from zero again.

When you decide to hire a player, he will retire from playing on your team. A player, once retired can never return to playing hockey again. The cost to revert a player to assistant coach/trainer varies depending on what the players routine and attributes are at the time of hiring. Which attributes he receives in his coaching career follow the same patterns as mentioned earlier.

An assistant coach/trainer can replace your head coach whenever you please. You do not have to have an assistant coach/trainer should you choose not to.

An administrative fee of 10 000 LHD is applied when replacing the head coach/trainer with assistant coach/trainer.

Cost for education of your Assistant trainer

You have the ability to choose to train your assistant trainer on the attributes he has. Training happens in conjunction with the economy updates once a week. The cost for assistant trainers education depends on whether or not he is a former player in your club or not. Below you will find more detailed information.

Attribute *   Former Player   Newly Hired
1   50 000 LHD   75 000 LHD
2   125 000 LHD   187 500 LHD

* = Number of selected attributes for training.

Trainer wages

Head coach/trainer and assistant coach/trainer have different salaries based upon the start value of their attributes. When you swap out your assistant coach to head coach he will receive a salary increase of 15 000 LHD. See the below table

No of starting attributes   Head trainer   Assistant trainer   Assistant trainer -> Head trainer
24   25 000 LHD   15 000 LHD   30 000 LHD
28   40 000 LHD   30 000 LHD   45 000 LHD
32   60 000 LHD   50 000 LHD   65 000 LHD
38   95 000 LHD   80 000 LHD   95 000 LHD


You can hire a doctor to take care of your players. A doctor helps players who are injured. Player may heal faster from an injury with help of the doctor. The number of days a player is injured decreases by ONE (1) each nigh in the updates. By hiring a doctor there is a chance that your player can come back sooner than the original number injury days.

Hiring a doctor costs 250 000 LHD. If you fire your doctor, there is an administrative fee of 250 000 LHD. The doctor's salary is 25 000 LHD per week.


You can hire one scout to your staff. The scout can keep track on 3 (non-LHPRO) to 10 (LHPRO) different players by your choise. When a player are scouted so will your scout note what skill and the value change at the same time the player gets their training update(night to saturday). When you scout a player for a longer time so will you be able to keep track on the 4 latest weeks.

If a player are transferlisted so will the transfericon be shown by the players name in the scouting list. A message will also be sent to you 24 to 48 hours before deadline.

It is possible to activate transfer notifications on the staff- and the scouting-page. This means that the scout will inform you if it finds a player on the transfer that reminds of any of your scouted player based on age, position and skills.

To hire a scout costs 250 000 LHD. To fire a scout also costs 250 000 LHD. The scout's salary is 50 000 LHD.

Hall of Fame

You can choose staff for your club's Hall of Fame, if they are former active players at LiveHockey. Other staff can't be selected in your club's Hall of Fame. For more information, read under the rule Players and headline Hall of Fame.

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