Game Rules


Updated: 2017-08-21 12:37

Under "Challenges" (in the left column) you can:

  • See which teams you have challenged
  • See which teams have challenged you
  • Accept or reject a challenge you have received
  • Join or leave the challenge pool (LH Pro)
  • Challenge your favorite teams (LH Pro)

If a team challenges you, the challenge is shown to the right of the word "challenges" in the left column. A number indicates how many challenges you have received. If a team that challenged you to a training match books a match with another team before you accept the challenge, the challenge to you will disappear and the number of challenges you receive will count down in the left column.

You can challenge teams for training matches och friendly matches, from several places on the site. Clicking the button "Challenge" will take you to the challenge page, where you can select the date to challenge on. Dates that are not open for challenge have status messages explaining why. Possible cost (LH Credit) is highlighted on every date. On the following pages you will find buttons to challenge other teams:

  • The (opponent) team page.
  • Logged in users.
  • The search page (team).
  • Favorites (team).

Training matches are always played on Tuesdays at 19:00. Those challenges are free of charge from Wednesday. the week before. If you wish to have longer-term planning for Training matches, challenges cost (1) LH Credit per challenge.

You cannot challenge teams for pay-matches without having coverage on your LH Credit account. For each pay-match date where one or many teams are challenged, 1 LH Credit is reserved. Challenging many teams on the same date (and time) reserves a total of 1 LH Credit. The reason for reserving credits is to prevent LH Credit accounts to end up with negative numbers. All challenges that cost an LH Credit are marked with the text "(1 LH Credit)". You pay nothing until the other team has accepted the challenge.

You can book training matches any time of day, but there are exceptions to which dates they can be played. If a date is not available in the list the reason may be that:

  • There is less than one hour before the match time
  • The opponent already has a booked match the current date
  • You already have a booked match the current date
  • You already have challenged the current team
  • Qualifying and playoff matches are not yet played
  • You want to challenge on a date outside of the current season (1)

(1) You may challenge teams for training matches an entire season in advance but not outside seasonal limits, due to seasonal updates at the end of each season. There is however one exception: From Thursday at 12:00 in week 13 you may challenge for a training match Tuesday week 1, with the understanding that both teams are not participating in the first round of LH Cup.

Both teams equally share any revenues from a training match. The players' points do not count in the total statistics. Players can be injured during these games and lose training and playing in subsequent matches until they are injury free.

Friendly matches yield no crowd revenues. Players can be injured, but are fully restored immediately after the match. Players' scores are not counted into the total points, where only series statistics are included.

Friendly Matches can be played up to three times a day and each challenge costs one (1) LH Credit. Friendly matches can be booked at any time of the day and has no restrictions on dates.

Note: An LH Credit will be always charged to the team that is challenging but never drawn from the account until the challenge is accepted by the opponent. All challenges not be accepted before one hour before game time are deleted.

Challenge Pool

You can let your team join the challenge pool. This is a very convenient feature to help all your players to reach maximum training dose every week. A perfect choice for those who think it's tedious or boring work to challenge other teams to get a training match each Tuesday.

At the top of the page there is a green button with the text "Join pool". A click on this button adds your team to the challenge pool. You only need to join once to continue to get a training match every week. If you've already joined the pool, you can leave at any time by clicking the red button "Leave pool".

Assuming your team has joined the challenge pool, a training match will be created for your team at a specified time. Your team will then get a training match against an opponent randomly selected from the challenge pool. Usually, matches are created on Tuesday evenings, but there are two exceptions:

  • Week 11: The last round of the league must be played in order to determine which teams will play qualification games or participate in the playoffs. This week, training matches are created on Thursday evening.
  • Week 13: The first round of upcoming seasons's LH Cup cannot be created until the last match of the playoffs has been played. This week, training matches are created on Thursday evening.
  • Week 12 and 13: It's also friendly games on Thursdays for teams who do not play playoff or qualifiers. Those games are not booked automatically by challenge pool, they must be booked manually by challenges.

Read the following examples carefully!

Ex. You joined the challenge pool Week 5 Day 4. The script has already run that week (Week 5 Day 3), and next running time is Week 6 Day 3, at 22:45 hours, when the first training game is created for your team. This match will be played Week 7, Day 3 (Tuesday).

Ex. Your team is already in the challenge pool. It's Tuesday evening at. 23:30, Week 11, and you have not received a training match for next Tuesday. Huh?! If you were surprised, you forgot to read the game rules. The fact is that the script runs on Thursday evenings weeks 11 and 13.

See "What happens when?" for exact times.

Note! If an odd number of teams are in the challenge pool at the time of creating training matcher, one team will get to meet a computer-controlled (bot) team. Training matches against bot teams are played, there will be no walk-over. Not more than one team will have to face a bot team, and this match booking cannot be undone.

If you miss a deadline for when training matches are created, you will not get a training match for upcoming Tuesday and you will have to find an opponent manually. The next time training matches are created you will automatically get a match. See "What happens when?" for exact times.

Of course, you are still free to book training matches far in advance. The pool always takes into account that there may already exist scheduled matches the given Tuesday, and will not create new matches in those special cases.

In order to join the challenge pool, you must have LH Pro.

Learn more about training and friendlies in "rules for matches"

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